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C++ Programming Projects Outside of Game Engines

C++ Projects: Text



This program includes Blackjack and War using standard playing cards. The user is introduced with a menu explaining the game. User input is used to navigate through the menu and make different decisions in Blackjack.

The goal of this project was to implement at least 4 different class to build a functioning set of playing cards. The PipCard and FaceCard Classes both inherit from the Card Class. Polymorphism is shown in the Deck Constructor and the SuffleDeck Function. All Classes show encapsulation and use Getters and Setters. Exception handling is used to make sure the user doesn't input wrong answers on the menus like answering with letters or numbers not between 1-3 on the game select menu. This project uses the Boost C++ Libraries, which need to be installed to run the program.

C++ Projects: Projects



This project was made to compare the efficiency of two different sorting algorithms. I used the Bubble Sort and the Selection Sort algorithms. I use the same function to swap nodes, and pass through data sets of increasing sizes to demonstrate the difference in efficiency as the data set grows larger.

C++ Projects: Video



The goal of this project was to make a hash table. The Insert function allows the user to pass through a key and a value, and the Retrieve function allows the user to find a node by its key. I use a phone contacts list as an example with different names as the key and numbers as the value.

C++ Projects: Video
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